Date:August 12, 2013

Business services

Consurgo Services, Inc. offers a workforce of ASD professionals that are uniquely qualified to serve you, as they are known for their precise attention to detail, laser-like focus, innovative thinking and problem solving skills.  For companies whose interests are based in science, technology, engineering or mathematics, ASD professionals offer the highest possible value. Some areas of expertise available are:


• Programming

• Software debugging

• Video editing/production

• Video game design

• Quality control

• Data checking

• Writing

• Repair technicians

• Graphic design


To learn more about each of these areas, click here.


Consurgo Services is available for contract-based work in the above areas as well.  To contact us for more information, click here.


Employees will be made available to either the customer’s location or  Consurgo’s offices, depending upon job description and environmental accommodation factors. Consurgo Services meets the challenge of social difficulties ASD employees may face by creating a workplace that adapts to the needs of the off-site ASD employee.


For on-site workers, Consurgo offers creative, flexible solutions that merge the employee’s needs with the customer’s requirements.  In all cases, it is our goal to make the work environment the most productive scenario in every way – for both the employee and the customer.


As needs become evident, we will network with area businesses to increase our capabilities

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